
Matrix absence management forms
Matrix absence management forms

The new DOL certification for a family member’s serious health condition includes a number of what appear to be very helpful improvements, including:

  • A better, more structured way for the healthcare provider to supply his or her medical opinion and best estimate regarding the amount of time for which the employee may need to be absent from work for planned medical treatments, continuous, or intermittent leave.
  • Additional direction to the healthcare provider, including an explanation that medical facts, including diagnosis, are permissible, absent state or local law prohibition, can be submitted on the form.
  • Check boxes for the employee’s healthcare provider to use to identify which of the five categories of “serious health condition” as well as an option for the provider to check “none of the above,” to indicate the employee does not have a condition that meets this hurdle to qualify for FMLA leave.At Matrix we revamped our SHC certification forms several years ago, adopting the “check the box” style now embodied in the new DOL forms.We also include a “none of the above” option (and made that recommendation to the DOL).This choice is used periodically by providers, validating the need for that option.
  • matrix absence management forms

    Here is a quick summary of changes reflected in the new DOL Certification of Healthcare Provider for the Employee’s Serious Health Condition: The new forms can be used immediately and are valid through June 30, 2023. Now the final – but OPTIONAL – new forms have been released, available for your reading pleasure here. During the request for comment period on the proposed forms, Matrix submitted suggestions and input to the DOL, some of which appears to have been incorporated into those new forms. In a previous blog post we described the initial set of proposed forms. Last year the DOL shared some proposed new FMLA forms and solicited comments from the public.

    matrix absence management forms

    Anyway, whining aside, this morning the DOL issued two important items: New FMLA forms and a request for public input on the FMLA regulations and processes in general. Department of Labor wanted to free up THEIR weekend.

    matrix absence management forms

    Really? Couldn’t they have waited until Monday? We knew these were coming and I guess the folks at the U.S. Senior Compliance Consultant and Legal Counsel,

    Matrix absence management forms